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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - isolate


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Перевод с английского языка isolate на русский

1. сущ. изолированная среда 2. гл. изолировать, отделять, обособлять Syn: set apart, detach, separate, release
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См. в других словарях

  1) изолят; штамм; изолировать, отделять 2) культура (микрофлоры) 3) изолят, изолированная группа – geographic isolate – marginal isolate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. одинокий 2. изолировать, отделять; обособлять to isolate from the whole world —- изолировать (отрезать) от всего мира to isolate a patient —- изолировать больного, подвергнуть больного карантину 3. хим. выделять 4. эл. изолировать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) изолировать, отделять, обособлять; подвергать карантину  2) chem. выделять (from) Scientists are working to isolate certain chemicals important to medicine, from the natural substances in which they are found. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) выделить 2) выделять 3) изолировать 4) отделять 5) разобщать 6) разобщить 7) уединить 8) уединять - isolate antibiotics - isolate circuit-breaker - isolate circuits - isolate root - isolate the root ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) изолировать 2) отделять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) отсоединять; отделять; отключать; разобщать; изолировать 2) хим. выделять (получать) в чистом виде 3) выделять, разделять (сигналы) 4) развязывать (электрические цепи) 5) локализовать (дефекты или неисправности) 6) хим. вещество, выделенное из природного сырья ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v.tr. 1 a place apart or alone, cut off from society. b place (a patient thought to be contagious or infectious) in quarantine. 2 a identify and separate for attention (isolated the problem). b Chem. separate (a substance) from a mixture. 3 insulate (electrical apparatus). Derivatives isolable adj. isolatable adj. isolator n. Etymology: orig. in past part., f. F isol{eacute} f. It. isolato f. LL insulatus f. L insula island ISOLATED adj. 1 lonely; cut off from society or contact; remote (feeling isolated; an isolated farmhouse). 2 untypical, unique (an isolated example). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  (-lated; -lating)  Etymology: back-formation from ~d set apart, from French isole, from Italian isolato, from isola island, from Latin insula  Date: 1799  1. to set apart from others; also quarantine  2. to select from among others; especially to separate from another substance so as to obtain pure or in a free state  3. insulate  • isolator noun  II. adjective  Date: 1819 being alone ; solitary, ~d  III. noun  Date: 1890  1. an individual, population, strain, or culture obtained by or resulting from selection or separation  2. an individual socially withdrawn or removed from society ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (isolates, isolating, isolated) 1. To isolate a person or organization means to cause them to lose their friends or supporters. This policy could isolate the country from the other permanent members of the United Nations Security Council... Political influence is being used to shape public opinion and isolate critics. VERB: V n from n, V n • isolated They are finding themselves increasingly isolated within the teaching profession. ADJ: usu v-link ADJ • isolation Diplomatic isolation could lead to economic disaster. N-UNCOUNT: usu with supp 2. If you isolate yourself, or if something isolates you, you become physically or socially separated from other people. When he was thinking out a problem Tweed’s habit was never to isolate himself in his room... His radicalism and refusal to compromise isolated him... Police officers had a siege mentality that isolated them from the people they served... But of course no one lives totally alone, isolated from the society around them. = cut off VERB: V pron-refl, V n, V n from n, V-ed 3. If you isolate something such as an idea or a problem, you separate it from others that it is connected with, so that you can concentrate on it or consider it on its own. Our anxieties can also be controlled by isolating thoughts, feelings and memories... Gandhi said that those who isolate religion from politics don’t understand the nature of either. VERB: V n, V n from n 4. To isolate a substance means to obtain it by separating it from other substances using scientific processes. (TECHNICAL) We can use genetic engineering techniques to isolate the gene that is responsible... Researchers have isolated a new protein from the seeds of poppies. VERB: V n, V n from n 5. To isolate a sick person or animal means to keep them apart from other people or animals, so that their illness does not spread. You don’t have to isolate them from the community. VERB: V n from n, also V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to prevent a country, political group etc from getting support from other countries or groups etc, so that it becomes weaker  (The US has sought to isolate Cuba both economically and politically.) 2 technical to separate a substance, disease etc from other substances so that it can be studied + from  (The hepatitis B virus has been isolated from breast milk.) 3 to separate an idea, word, problem etc so that it can be examined or dealt with by itself  (isolate sth from)  (It is impossible to isolate political responsibility from moral responsibility.) 4 to make someone feel separate from other people in a society or group, and make them feel lonely or unhappy  (isolate sb from)  (Presley's phenomenal early success isolated him from his friends.) 5 to make a place separate from other places so that people cannot enter it  (villages which have been isolated by recent flooding) 6 to keep someone separate from other people, especially because they have a disease  (isolate sb from)  (New-born babies must be isolated from possible contamination.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1807, back-formation from isolated (1763), from Fr. isolй "isolated," from It. isolato, from L. insulatus "made into an island," from insula "island." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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